Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Let's get Started!

Surgery was yesterday and I came through beautifully. I have a couple of bruises: one from the heparin shot (that looks dreadful!) and another from the vein blowing out in my arm. So far, not much bruising anywhere else but I am pretty swollen in my abdominal area. I'm quite sore at the port site, but that was expected!

I have 6 incisions including my bellybutton; these are held together with steri-strips, underneath the bandaging. I'll get to look at them later when I shower. I look, right now with all the bandages, like I fought with a porcupine and lost.

Yesterday was restricted to clear liquids only-water, gatorade, clear soup broth. Today and for the next 6 days, I can have protein shakes, pudding, yogurt, thicker soups without chunks of anything, plus the clear liquids from before.

Surgeon & all reading materials said I wouldn't feel hungry and I really didn't yesterday. My tummy did not growl or tell me to feed it. My brain however, wanted me to eat! When I started to feel antsy about not eating, I drank something and that seemed to help.

Here's to hoping for a brand new life!

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