Monday, November 30, 2009

First Fill, One Month About Gone

So, I'm hovering around my initial weight loss and am very frustrated that the scale isn't moving anymore. I spoke with my surgeon at my post-op follow-up and he stressed to me not to stress! "Give yourself a little time, " he says. "Don't worry yet," he tells me. So, I am trying not to stress and worry.

Today, then, was my first "fill" appointment. You go in, they insert a very small needle and poke through your belly to the port, they look around via some sort of x-ray machine to make sure everything looks good, then they fill the band with fluid. (How much depends on each person. They started off less than half with me.)

It was much less uncomfortable than I'd imagined and that's a good thing! Just a little stick and burn and less than 2 minutes later, we were done. After that, I had to drink two glasses of water just to make sure it could pass through without difficulty and that the band was not now too tight. No problem, except my drive home is 35 minutes long and I was seriously needing a restroom the last 10 minutes of my drive.

In a month, I'll do it all again and they'll adjust me some more. After that, we'll see. It can sometimes take several adjustments to find your optimal fill level. Again, I am practicing patience and not stressing! (Yes, I keep saying it. If I say it often enough, perhaps I truly will be able to not stress about it all!)

All in all, a pretty good day. I am still very happy with my decision and can't wait to see the new me as she emerges!

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