Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Beginning

I decided a few months ago that to be truly happy and free I had to finally take care of me. This discovery has included treating myself better, not beating myself up over every decision or stumble and finally biting the bullet and deciding on weight loss surgery to enable me to be healthier. My surgery is in two weeks and I couldn't be more thrilled.

I hope people reading this blog will be inspired to better themselves in whatever way works best for them, but it is my bigger hope that by sharing my struggles, the journey will be made all that much sweeter when my goals are reached and milestones passed. It is with this hope that I start down the road to my new life.

So, sit back, relax, laugh and cry with me as I begin a journey in which the destination is unknown, but during which the ride promises to be full of ups, downs, twists and turns, hopefully with a big fat pile of elation waiting every few miles and pot of proverbial gold at the end.

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